В специализированной литературе по обслуживанию Volvo тр. средства обозначаются его типом, а не моделью. Например V40 - 645. Приведенный ниже список объясняет обозначения:
100 Series
142 1967-1974, four cylinder, two door
144 1966-1974, four cylinder, four door
145 1967-1974, four cylinder, wagon
164 1968-1975, six cylinder, four door
200 Series
242 1975-1981, four cylinder, two door
244 1975-1993, four cylinder, four door
245 1975-1993, four cylinder, wagon
262 1975-1981, six cylinder, two door
264 1974-1982, six cylinder, four door
700 Series
744 1985-1992, four cylinder, four door
745 1985-1992, four cylinder, wagon
764 1983-1990, four cylinder, turbo or V-6, four door
780 1987-1991, four cylinder turbo or V-6, two door
800 Series
854 1993-1997, five cylinder, four door
855 1994-1997, five cylinder, wagon
874 1998-2000, the S-70
875 1998-2000, the V-70
876 1998-2000, the V-70 Cross Country (XC)
872 1998-Present, the C-70 Coupe
873 1998-Present, the C-70 Convertible
900 Series
944 1991-1995, four cylinder, four door
945 1991-1995, four cylinder, wagon
964 1992-1998, six cylinder, four door, badged S-90 in 1998
965 1992-1998, six cylinder, wagon badged V-90 in 1998
40 Series
644 2000-Present, the S-40
645 2000-Present, the V-40
184 1999-Present, the S-80
NEW V-70
285 2001-Present, the V-70
295 2001-Present, The V-70 Cross Country (XC)
384 2001-present, the S60
275 2003-present, the XC90
All new S40
544 2004.5- present, Present the S40
545 2005 - Present, the V50